Healthy Made Tasty. A Cancer Council website
Healthy Made Tasty. A Cancer Council website

5 tips for choosing a school lunch box

Jane Dibbs
Time to read: 2 minutes

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A healthy lunch box with a green apple, some wholegrain crackers and cheese, celery, a sandwich and a bottle of water

With so many lunch box choices on the market, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when choosing a lunch box for your child. Here are some simple points to consider:  

  1. Choose one that is the right size for the food your child will want to take to school and will fit into their school bag without taking up too much space.
  2. It may suit to have 2 smaller lunch boxes, one that can fit an ice brick for food that needs to be kept cold and one for food that doesn’t need to be kept cold.
  3. One big box you can pack with smaller containers can give you more flexibility. However, some kids may prefer a lunch box that has compartments.
  4. If your school does Crunch & Sip – cut up the vegies and put them in a small container that they can get out quickly when it’s Crunch & Sip time.
  5. Look to save on packaging and the environment – luckily many reusable products such as individual food containers or bento-style lunch boxes on the market will keep food fresh without plastic wrap. Watch for specials at the start of the school term too!

Food safety:   

With our climate, many foods taken to school need to be kept cold, often for several hours. Ideally, the lunch box should be insulated and big enough to fit an ice brick or frozen water bottle. Some lunch boxes have a compartment that fits an ice brick and keeps moisture away from the food inside.   

Bits of food and splashes of drink need to be removed every day before repacking the lunch box. Choose a lunch box that is easy to clean and doesn’t have too many nooks and crannies.  

For more information, see our blog on How to make your lunch box food safe.

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© Cancer Council NSW 2024 Head Office Address: 153 Dowling Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011. Cancer Council NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 18521.

Some images on this site have been supplied by Cancer Council Western Australia's Crunch & Sip website

Cancer Council NSW

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