Healthy Made Tasty. A Cancer Council website
Healthy Made Tasty. A Cancer Council website
  • Preventing cancer

Preventing cancer

Healthy habits to reduce your risk of cancer.
Did you know? Eating well and moving more can reduce your risk of cancer.

cancer cases in Australia each year could be prevented by eating
more fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes and eating less red and processed meat

What does a healthy diet look like?

Eating a diet full of nourishing foods helps us live a full and happy life.  A healthy diet is made up of foods from the 5 food groups which provide the nutrients our bodies need to grow, develop and function.

Click on a food group to find out why it is an important part of your diet.

White plate
Vegetables and salads
Breads and cereals
Dairy and alternatives
Meat and alternatives

Vegetables and salads

should form a major part of your daily diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre which helps maintain a healthy weight and reduce cancer risk.


is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre for good health, help maintain a healthy weight and reduce cancer risk.

Breads and cereals

provide carbohydrates, protein, fibre and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Choose mainly wholegrain varieties, they have extra nutrients for good digestive health.

Dairy and dairy alternatives

Dairy foods are rich sources of protein, vitamins including B12 and calcium which is important for strong bones and teeth. If you choose dairy alternatives make sure they are fortified with calcium.

Meat and meat alternatives

lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans and tofu are rich in iron, zinc and protein which is important for our cells to grow and repair. Limit red meat and avoid processed meats.

What should I have more of to prevent cancer?

Have more fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are packed full of fibre and vitamins and minerals essential for our bodies to grow, develop and function properly. Fibre is known to protect against bowel cancer.

Have more wholegrains

Wholegrain breads and cereals are packed with dietary fibre and other nutrients to keep your digestive system healthy and prevent cancer.

Move more
Move more

Being active gives us the energy to get through our day and works wonders for our mental and physical health. New evidence suggests that moving more and sitting less could reduce your risk of as many as 13 different types of cancer including bowel, breast and endometrial cancers.

What should I have less of to prevent cancer

Have less alcohol

Drinking any type of alcohol increases your risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, bowel, liver and breast. Drinking less alcohol is a step towards living a longer, healthier life. 

Have less red and processed meats
Red and processed meat

Reducing how much red meat you eat and avoiding processed meat can reduce your risk of bowel cancer.

Have less junk food and drink
Junk food and sugary drinks

Reducing highly processed foods and sugary drinks in your diet can help prevent excess weight gain. High body weight is a risk factor for 13 types of cancer including cancer of the bowel, kidney, pancreas, oesophagus, endometrium, liver and breast (after menopause).

An image showing a selection of nutrition resources available on our Resources page

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© Cancer Council NSW 2024 Head Office Address: 153 Dowling Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011. Cancer Council NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 18521.

Some images on this site have been supplied by Cancer Council Western Australia's Crunch & Sip website

Cancer Council NSW

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