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Healthy Made Tasty. A Cancer Council website
Home > Recipes > Stewed apples and sultanas

Stewed apples and sultanas

Image of stewed apples topped with sultanas in a white ceramic bowl with two cinnamon sticks on the side.
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves: 4
Image of stewed apples topped with sultanas in a white ceramic bowl with two cinnamon sticks on the side.
  • 1.5 serves of fruit per 
  • serving
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4 granny smith apples, cored & sliced
50g sultanas
1 tsp cinnamon
4 tbsp water

Savvy swaps

You can swap:

Raisins or chopped dried apricots
Pears or stone fruit


  • With apples and sultanas, this recipe is a good source of fibre. Eating a diet high in fibre can help reduce your risk of bowel cancer. 
  • Apples provide Vitamin C. Vitamin C supports your immune system. 
  • Sultanas provide sweetness along with fibre and vitamins. 

  • If you can, compost the apple cores. 
  • This is a good recipe for using up apples that are a bit old or bruised. Cut out any bruised bits. 
  • You don’t have to peel the apples. 

  • Buy ‘Odd Bunch’, ‘I’m Perfect’ or ‘Imperfect Picks’ apples to save money. 
  • Buying in bulk can help save money in the long run. A larger packet of sultanas may be cheaper per 100g. 


Step 1
Combine the apple, sultanas and cinnamon and 2 tbsp of the water in a saucepan.

Step 2
Cook on medium heat until the apples are soft. Add more water if needed.

Serving suggestion: Enjoy this recipe on its own, add it to oats for breakfast or use it to sweeten natural yoghurt. 

Food safety tip: If you are packing for lunch, the stewed apple needs to be kept cold so pack an ice brick. 


  • With apples and sultanas, this recipe is a good source of fibre. Eating a diet high in fibre can help reduce your risk of bowel cancer. 
  • Apples provide Vitamin C. Vitamin C supports your immune system. 
  • Sultanas provide sweetness along with fibre and vitamins. 

  • If you can, compost the apple cores. 
  • This is a good recipe for using up apples that are a bit old or bruised. Cut out any bruised bits. 
  • You don’t have to peel the apples. 

  • Buy ‘Odd Bunch’, ‘I’m Perfect’ or ‘Imperfect Picks’ apples to save money. 
  • Buying in bulk can help save money in the long run. A larger packet of sultanas may be cheaper per 100g. 



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© Cancer Council NSW 2024 Head Office Address: 153 Dowling Street, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011. Cancer Council NSW is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as an Income Tax Exempt Charity: Charitable Fundraising Authority No. 18521.

Some images on this site have been supplied by Cancer Council Western Australia's Crunch & Sip website

Cancer Council NSW

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